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The Importance of Access Control


Access control safeguards data, physical and hardware spaces from threats. It is crucial for companies that store sensitive information about customers as well as employees who require remote access to resources. A good access control strategy restricts the kinds of privileges users are granted and minimizes the effect of security breaches, and ensuring that no one is able view sensitive information or gain access into areas they shouldn’t be.

The basic concept behind access control is that a person’s identity has to be authenticated before they will be granted access to a resource. This can be accomplished by several methods including biometric identification, multi-factor identification and passwords. Then, they have to be approved by an authorization system. This procedure typically takes into account the sensitivity as well as credentials used to request the resources.

This authorization system will take into consideration a range of factors, from what the user is aware of–the passwords and pins they use to log in to their account, to the access cards they have keys, tokens or keys that generate OTP passcodes–and even their biometrics (fingerprints and iris scans voice prints). Then it compares them to the privileges they’re seeking and, if everything checks out, it grants them the access they need.

An effective access control plan is an important part of any security program and it’s crucial for healthcare organizations that need to meet the demands of their staff and patients. It is important to have the right procedures in place for both on-site and remote employees and to keep them updated and monitored constantly.

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